An organized gang specializing in high ranking military assassinations bewilders the police. However, their headquarters are located and a special...
Ninja Death Squad
Criminal activities of the spiritual ninja are headed by a ruthless ninja warlord and follows the CIA's subsequent attempts to bring them to justice....
Empire of Spiritual Ninja
Ross, Farris and Lee are star pupils of the Ninja Master, but Ross is secretly building his own ninja empire and dealing in the slave trade, headed...
Ninja of the Magnificence
A secret formula that can cause plants and animals to expand a thousand-fold in size is stolen by a terrorist group. During a wild chase and...
Thunder of Gigantic Serpent
In his attempt to be the most powerful man in the world, Justin Taylor, leader of a sinister Ninja army, has become the largest narcotics smuggler in...
Ninja: American Warrior
Thomas [sic] Tang unleashes yet another assault on human sanity with this Z-grade, cut and splice ninja crap-fest featuring drug dealing ninja, CIA...
Ninja Fantasy
The Black Ninja Empire want a "confidential blueprint" in the possession of Vietnam vet Robin and will stop at nothing to get it. When Robin's...
Ninja and the Warriors of Fire