A traveling couple end up in an abandoned Nebraska town inhabited by a cult of murderous children who worship a demon that lives in the local...
Children of the Corn
Archetype tells the story about a robot RL7. After a defect in a chip; he begins to memorize and realises he could have been human once...
A man awakens on an operating table with no idea where or even who he is. Armed with only one memory of a girl on a beach and a tattoo on his hand...
Four outcast teenagers acquire mystical powers that allow them to become gods on campus, with deadly consequences.
The Source
Celia has had a rough life, with a mother who died in childbirth and a father who disappeared. Unfortunately for Celia, death is not any easier than...
Left In Darkness
A horror movie/buddy comedy about Joey and his undead friend Bart who comes back from the dead as a revenant: an articulate zombie that needs to...
The Revenant
During a game of catch-the-boy-and-kiss-him, Emmy, a precocious ten-year-old, kisses another little girl, Alice.
The Maiden and the Princess
When they're hired to recover the lost treasure of Columbus, married scuba divers Sebastian and Dani think they've hit the jackpot. But as they get...
Into the Blue 2: The Reef
To save her bungalow from foreclosure before Christmas, Victoria, an Instagram influencer and single mother of a child living with Down syndrome...
A Christmas in New Hope