In the original Sorority Slaughter, Hugo Parker (Ben Morgan) returned from the dead after being shot and killed by a sorority girl named Frankie. But...
Sorority Girl Murderer
A female medical examiner strangles victims so she can have bodies to autopsy with which to indulge her foot fetish (!!) with while a police chief...
The Medical Examiner Strangler
A gypsy is falsely accused of theft and put to death by German Party members in 1938. But her anguished spirit returns to exact revenge by possessing...
Two ultra low budget crime tales. In the first, an adulterous husband and his mistress plot to do away with the wife, but she has other plans in...
Lurid Crime Stories 3
Scream Queens Illustrated's Christine Cavalier stars as a young woman who breaks away from her abusive lover only to fall prey to a warped and...
Love Is a Stranger
Ramone Solitaire (David Lee) attacks and murders a young girl (Dawn Murphy). He´s captured, tried and convicted, and sentenced to death. But...
Rage of the Incubus
It´s 15 years after the events of “The Assassins”. A video producer plans to make a movie about the murders and contacts the...
The Assassins Part 3