Set over a single day and night in a small, Manhattan hotel, this story leads us through the lives of its temporary inhabitants. As the paths of...
Shot over the course of their actual pregnancy with cast doubling as 2-man crew, Paula and Charlie document their impending parenthood during a time...
Delicate State
Chris and Stefan invite Victor to join their group where they talk about their experiences with women over a meal of red meat. As the night...
Red Meat
Jefferson is a lovable ski-bum temp worker whose singular joy comes from an annual excursion to the slopes with fellow vagabond/best friend, Curtis....
Melanie decides that one of her tenants would be perfect as her husband and decides to eliminate everyone who might interfere in her plans.
The Landlady
A trio of young men are forced to grow up quick when their girlfriends all become pregnant around the same time.
My Baby's Daddy
The cast of an old TV show called reunites for their 20th anniversary; during the event, a quadruple homicide turns everyone into a suspect.
A British documentarian profiles washed-up diva Jackie Washington as she prepares for her comeback concert.
Jackie's Back!
Follows a prehistoric arachnid that terrifies a stranded group of campers who hike into the wrong woods.
Don't Move