Surviving an assassination attempt that causes her to lose her memory, Laura tries to find her identity and finds herself even more trapped in a dark...
Aku Lupa Aku Luka
As a new student, Tantri arrives at a hostel. But unexpectedly, in that hostel, Tantri discovers a terrible connection with spells and curses in her...
Mantra Surugana
Gian, a young man saves Sisy, a woman who makes drunk, depressed and wants to kill herself at a train station at night. Their love story started from...
My Sassy Girl
An older brother whose younger sister died by suicide felt in disbelief about the incident and carried out an investigation by moving to his sister's...
My Ice Girl
Keysa is assigned to persuade Naufan, a former swimming athlete, to return to school.
Cool Boy vs Cool Girl
Ali had a severe accident that had to lie down in a coma. Although his body lays helpless and has to race between life and death, Ali's soul remained...
Asal Kau Bahagia
Dono, Kasino, and Indro are assigned as a secret police agent. They are under the command of Commander Cok, who lost his aide, Karman, when he smells...
Warkop DKI Reborn 3
Dono, Kasino, and Indro are sentenced in the city's center, but manage to escape to Marrakesh where they meet Yosef, who controls the children spy...
Warkop DKI Reborn 4
Aryati, a divorcee, works as an online taxi driver to support her three children, Bayu, Tika, and Kinanti. Together, they confront the hardships of...
Yang Tak Tergantikan
In the tumultuous near-future of Indonesia in 2027, Edwin, a young substitute teacher at a school for juvenile delinquents, must face his own inner...
The Siege at Thorn High