A young, unassuming gold smuggler and his companion embark on an outrageously risky plan with the hope of gaining a fortune that could secure them a...
Ayaal is a story on intense human relations. It’s a story of a man who effortlessly floated along the estuaries of time, the back waters of...
George Vadakkan is the quintessential prodigal son of a priest, who wished he followed the father’s path. His friends and George generally hang...
Georgettan's Pooram
The story line of the film is the escapades of a cricket crazy kid, all of eight years and his father, a cop. Antony Simon (Mammootty) is a crime...
Daddy Cool
Beautiful is a 2011 Indian Malayalam musical drama thriller film written by Anoop Menon and directed by V. K. Prakash. The film stars Jayasurya,...
Garment exporter Gopakumar, with the help of his fashion designer Kamala and broker Immanuel, brings together three couples who are on the verge of...
Innathe Chintha Vishayam
An adaptation of the Sahitya Akademi award-winning play, 18 Natakangal, the story revolves around six couples, exploring different facets of their...