Despite being at a respectable job of Village Administrative Officer (VAO), Chinnasamy, an enterprising youngster from an oppressed class has still...
Tamil Kudimagan
Aanmai Thavarael movie is an action based love story that travels from Chennai to Goa. This movie also deals with the second biggest crime in the...
Aanmai Thavarael
Bala, a temple priest, is helped by Poochi, a hired killer, at a needy moment and the two become friends. But when the former learns of his friend's...
Naan Than Bala
Ukkirapandian is jealous of Bosepandian's growing fame and murders him. Bose's timid brother Thilagar takes revenge by killing Ukkirapandian's three...
Diya, a twelfth standard school girl, due to peer pressure and her surroundings, is in quest of her love. She finds a twenty-five-year-old Arjun, who...
Kadhal Kasakuthaiya
A daring young man joins a gang that is behind chain-snatching crimes in the city. What's his game plan?
Marainthirunthu Paarkum Marmam Enna
Two petty criminals end up kidnapping the wrong woman, and end up in a situation where they have to deal with a kingpin of a drug mafia.
Super Duper