A sensuous and ethereal story of two young women falling in love for the first time. Young, beautiful Àsia lies in a coma, her mother and...
In the district of Gracia, in Barcelona, a nasty old woman shares a flat with a young man, non-conformist. The guy is struggling to...
Year of Grace
Julia, a 22-year-old mother of two, falls in love with Óscar, a troubled boy with whom she embarks on a love affair. The more time they spend...
Wild Flowers
"Pecados" tells the love story between two young (Bepo and Lourdes) in a remote village in Argentina.
TV Movie about Concepción Arenal in his role as visiting women's prisons. His struggle to change the conception that was on criminals and they...
Concepción Arenal, la visitadora de cárceles
Faraday is a weirdo telepath who is starting to lose his faith in the paranormal. His girlfriend, Diana, is a blogger whose highest aspiration in...
TV Miniseries of 2 episodes. "El pacto" tells the unusual and controversial story, inspired by a real case happened in the U.S., seven girls, Rebeca,...
El pacto
Barcelona ciutat neutral
About the young life and loves of artist Salvador Dalí, filmmaker Luis Buñuel and writer Federico García Lorca.
Little Ashes
Nine young friends get lost on their way to spending April Fools Day together. Instead of letting the entire trip go to waste, they decide to go...
Bloody April Fools
Jacint Verdaguer, poet and priest, had an exciting life, lived literary glory and became the most prestigious poet of his time. But circumstances and...
L’enigma Verdaguer
The story of Salvador Puig Antich, one of the last political prisoners to be executed under Franco's Fascist State in 1974.
Salvador (Puig Antich)
A swim instructor dealing with a child terrified of the water is accused of inappropriate behavior -- but the stories offered don't line up, leaving...
Virus of Fear
A young man racks up a series of disastrous first dates, until he spends the night with an unconventional young woman who upends his life.
Amor tóxico
Una jirafa en el balcón
We all have secrets. We all have family. We all search for happiness. What if we share our secrets and search for happiness together?
Bus Story
Like the four seasons, the love history of four friends is recounted at 4 different times. One doesn't love her husband anymore, another is a single...
Atlas de geografía humana