Follows Diana who doesn't believe in ghosts or supernatural power. But when she feels something strange happening on a regular basis, she reaches out...
Sumair Azad, a dirty cop and his friend, Jaggi, steal Sikandar Chowdhary's cocaine bag. As a result, Sikandar kidnaps Sumair's son, but things take a...
Bloody Daddy
The big-screen action-adventure is directed by Abhishek Kapoor and produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor.
RTO officer Om Prakash strikes a golden opportunity to meet his icon, Vijay Kumar. Bhut when his love gets spurned by the superstar, a clash of egos...
A shy simple traditional girl leaves her family in India for her new husband in London, where she meets a shameless flirt and a complicated party...
A bikini competition takes a tragic turn as a mysterious killer begins to eliminate the competition one by one leading up to the event.
Red Dress Massacre
An amateur detective becomes involved in a simulated comedy set in a criminal investigation.
Detective Sherdil
After fleeing an arranged marriage, a feisty Indian woman finds herself stranded in Pakistan where the ex-governor's son helps reunite her with her...
Happy Bhag Jayegi
A look at India's second confidential nuclear test series at Pokhran lead by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, during the time of PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee's tenure.
Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran
After being accused of murder and awaiting his death penalty, Kishen Mohan Girhotra is compelled by NGO worker Gayatri Kashyap to form a musical band...
Lucknow Central
Horticulture professor Happy arrives in Shanghai and the other Happy along with husband Guddu also lands up in the Chinese city at the same time....
Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi
When Baby Bedi is entrusted with a job of running controversial sex clinic ‘Khandaani Shafakhana’, in a small town of Punjab, she faces...
Khandaani Shafakhana
Committed and fiery, Sub Inspector Aravind Karunakaran is obliged to be part of an investigation where an innocent man Murali is deliberately being...
Love-struck Jaggi can cross the seven seas for his dream girl, Kartika. Even if it means stopping her wedding as he doesn't want to be friend-zoned.
A skilled horse rider and his family are fighting the British army when his horse goes missing in the chaos. His nephew is tasked with finding the...