A compelling drama/documentary chronicling the life and death of Il Duce himself, from his days as a terrorist to his alliance with Hitler to the...
Mussolini and I
Kabale und Liebe
Schloß Königswald
A fairy-tale about the power of love. The old king Pravoslav feels it is time to entrust the rule over his kingdom to one of his three daughters -...
Salt & Gold
Frau Jenny Treibel
A young woman wants to know who is responsible for the death of her parents. Ten years ago, little Sonja and her brother Niki Schmitt lost their...
Die Undankbare
Überfall in Glasgow
Mord am Pool
Der Thronfolger
Ihr 106. Geburtstag
Liebe hat ihre Zeit
Live performance, part of Monteverdi cycle staged by Oper Zürich with Nikolaus Harnoncourt conducting the Zürich Opera House Monteverdi...
Klein Zaches, genannt Zinnober
Nachruf auf Othello
A pampered heiress inherits her father's pharmaceutical empire when he dies in a suspicious accident, and soon finds herself surrounded by ruthless...