The film follows a young girl “Yasmin Abdel Aziz” who is searching for a husband, due to her constant loneliness and feelings of...
Martial Marriage
A very unlucky guy, Bakry, ends up with an abandoned and cursed theater house, and he must find a way to elevate the curse, as it affects him every...
Just Vanished
A singer and his band find themselves facing an unexpected situation, when they accidentally enter a zombie-infested area and clash with them.
Zombie Ala Gamby
During a Nile cruise on a boat, an unexpected swindle occurs to one of the passengers, after which comical situations follow to reveal the truth.
Tamaseeh El Nile
A comedy movie revolves around a thief who steals street dogs and sell them, oddly he learned this profession from a female dog, who breastfed him...
Local Dog
The events revolve around Yahya, a soccer player, and his wife Misk, a gynecologist. The couple has been trying for many years to have a baby, but...
Hamel El Laqab
Teachers tease and bully a high school student named Wizzo, who exposes multiple flaws in the educational system.
Wizzo School
Alaa is an introverted young man who lives a healthy and organized life. His life turns upside down when his twin brother whom he never knew existed,...
My Brother Above in the Tree
Within a comedy framework, the work revolves around a history teacher (Allam), who is transferred to a school in a desert area. He faces many...
Playing with the Kids
A son of a wealthy family is kidnapped by a gang, and they get into plenty of ironic situations in order to get him back.
White Honey
Cocoa harvest season
The film revolves around a comedy about a special forces unit being assigned to rescue the Egyptian ambassador to India after he was kidnapped, but...
Inferno in India
A just-married couple moves into their new home, finding themselves at war with the kids next door, who seem determined to make their lives miserable.
Best Neighbors
Desperate to support his son, a single father uses his talent with makeup to dress up as a woman to try out for a part in a commercial.
Savage Raghda