Salma Zidane, a widow, lives simply from her grove of lemon trees in the West Bank's occupied territory. The Israeli defence minister and his wife...
Lemon Tree
The film presents fascist ideologies since the beginning of the 20th Century. The actor/presenter of Maurice Barrés argues against foreign...
Our Beds Are Burning
The story is set in Jerusalem in the winter of 1959. Shmuel Ash, a sensitive student who has dropped out of university because his father's finances...
In contemporary Tel Aviv, a mother and daughter confront each other after the death of the father/husband and the discovery of the dead man's secret...
A Thousand Little Kisses
Hanan, a poor Yeshiva student, deeply involved in Kabbalah, learned that his beloved Lea, daughter of the wealthy man of the shtetl, will be given to...
The Dybbuk
Twelve year-old Uri reports his teacher Balaban as a suspected spy when he observes him meeting with a young arab man. Only later does he discover...
Hide and Seek
The film delves into an almost forgotten event that took place in Kfar Qasim in October 1956, when 47 innocent civilians were shot and killed by...
The 1957 Transcripts
Two Israeli sisters delve into the dark mystery of their father’s former life in Poland during World War II.
Past Life
The royal family is in conflict and at its center - a rejected, hurt and injured child who in his adulthood becomes a cruel dictator, a malignant...
Richard III
An old actress, a young actress, a famous writer, a budding playwright, a depressed teacher, and one who always wears black, meet at a summer house...
The seagull