A revealing one-off documentary that provides an inside view of how Tony Blair and former prime ministers - including Harold Wilson, Margaret...
Cabinet Confidential
Michael Cockerell talks to all of the surviving people to hold the post of Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs including the...
How to Be Foreign Secretary
It begins with cheers but almost always ends in tears. Yet, as the election looms, competition for the top job grows ever more intense. Why? The...
How to Be Prime Minister
Michael Cockerell tells the story of how prime ministers have coped with life after Number Ten, after Tony Blair became the youngest member of the...
How to Be an Ex-Prime Minister
Harold Wilson and Edward Heath are two very different men equally overlooked by history, but they were the political titans of the era in which...
Heath vs Wilson: The 10-Year Duel
In the final days of the yuppie decade, the summer of ’89 saw a new type of youth rebellion rip through the cultural landscape, with thousands...
The Summer of Rave, 1989