The story of a summer dress and those who have to do with it, especially the train conductor (played by van Warmerdam, the director). The dress...
The Dress
Artist Joris Hansma is financially broke. He wants to end it, but even that seems impossible. His girlfriend Maria also feels miserable enough to...
Amsterdam is besieged by an alliance of Kennemers and Waterlanders, prepared to exact heavy vengeance on lord Gysbreght van Aemstel, the last...
Gijsbrecht van Aemstel
The film is set in a signalman's house during the German occupation. When it turns out that the mother has committed adultery with a German, things...
The Last Train
TV movie based on the clearing of the Jewish psychiatric hospital "Het Apeldoornse Bosch" on 23 January 1943.
Esther, voorgoed op reis
Pieter Le Roy is in his thirties and still lives with his old mother. He doesn't work and kills time spying on his fellow man - actually, he's spying...
Seeing Through
A journalist has to interview a blind photographer.
De blinde fotograaf
Eight newspaper-columns by Dutch writer Simon Carmiggelt were turned into a film in honor of his 70st birthday.
The World of Simon Carmiggelt
Orlow Seunke's graduation film is a rural tragedy about an alcoholic father, a tyrannical mother and their weak son. Gerard Thoolen plays the...
Always something different, rarely something good