When a Sumatran rat-monkey bites Lionel Cosgrove's mother, she's transformed into a zombie and begins killing (and transforming) the entire town...
Baz Luhrmann meets Peter Jackson in this audacious 1950s-style comedy-horror musical extravaganza, featuring a spectacular score performed by the New...
Huhu Attack!
The same night as a girl is slain in the woods, the teenagers Sam and Les are robbed of all of their hard earned hens. In the quest for their hens...
The Scarecrow
The niece of a wealthy land developer stalks a married man and may also be trying to kill his actress wife.
Turn of the Blade
Precocious teenager Juliet moves to New Zealand with her family and soon befriends the quiet, brooding Pauline through their shared love of fantasy...
Heavenly Creatures
Quentin is a destitute filmmaker who resorts to making home-made pornos to achieve his celluloid dreams. Nigel is a sweet and sensitive hairdresser,...
Offensive Behaviour
In 1915 four kids try to stop the arsonist who is terrifying their small New Zealand town, but no one believes them. Based on the novel by Maurice...
Undercover Gang