Declan, an author struggling with his unrealized potential, is confronted by renewed grief over his long dead brother Aidan. His wife Anastasie...
Resurrecting McGinn(s)
When a grief-stricken man with strange abilities opens up to his bereavement group about the death of his sister, he discovers that his curse becomes...
Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’s most...
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Girls... meet Sissy Pike. She looks like you, talks like you, and yes, has to deal with life just like you. The only difference is, all her drama,...
The Public Life of Sissy Pike: New Girl in Town
Tom Jacobs is Mr Christmas! He's built an entire business around helping clients find the perfect gift. But what happens when he falls for one lucky...
The Perfect Christmas Present