Between Turin and Pisa unfolds the life of a socially and professionally successful university professor of law. Endowed with great intelligence and...
L'uomo privato
Set during the second world war, the sentimental education of a sensual adolescent girl, growing out of her childhood in a small, impoverished...
The Nymph
Saint Peter, a reluctant but passionate leader, from the crucifixion of Jesus to his own. The film's first half dramatizes the New Testament's...
St. Peter
Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace prize winner, is known in the whole world as the banker of the poor, because he pioneered and tested a funding system in...
Damn Poverty!
The story tells of the marital misadventures of Tiziana and Tonino, a couple now in crisis whose tired ménage explodes when the woman receives...
La rossa del Roxy Bar
November 2, 1975: Pier Paolo Pasolini is murdered in the outskirts of Rome. The suspect, a 17-year-old hustler, pleads to have acted in self-defense,...
Who Killed Pasolini?
After having successfully eluded the authorities for years, Hannibal peacefully lives in Italy in disguise as an art scholar. Trouble strikes again...
The story of a group of brigands who fought against Victor Emmanuel II during Italian unification.
Li chiamarono... briganti!
Fact based drama about an American couple on vacation in Italy in 1994 with their two children who are attacked and shot by highway bandits. Shortly...
Nicholas’ Gift
Mythology and religious dogma are slowly revealed when an attractive young woman is approached by a modeling agency that pulls her into an underworld...
The Eighteenth Angel