The film follows four families, with different nationalities (French, German, Russian and American) but with the same passion for music, from the...
Bolero: Dance of Life
It is based on the true story of Michael Francke, who was the Head of Corrections for the state of Oregon before being murdered. Just before his...
Without Evidence
A romantic comedy about various engaged couples and their families who, as wedding dates rapidly approach, are caught up in a whirlwind of emotional...
With This Ring
Cocky, overconfident motocross champion Jim Dancer and his more mature and levelheaded bike racing buddy Steve Mitchell decide to trek from Mexico to...
A Great Ride
New Tinseltown gossip columnist Dina Moran helps faded movie star Georgia O'Hanlon dig up dirt on amoral characters.
The Gossip Columnist
A comedy centered on a handyman (Arkin) and his lifelong competition with his neighbor (Pendleton.)
Raising Flagg
When Andrew Sterling, a successful black urbanite writer, buys a vacation home on a resort in New England the police mistake him for a burglar. After...
Amos & Andrew
After spending two years in prison, framed for accepting a bribe, former newspaper reporter Harry Barber is released, bitter and disillusioned....
An Arab oil organization devises a plan to wreck the world economy in order to cause anarchy and chaos.