This entertaining documentary of the World Cup Soccer tournament of 1966 follows the 15 countries competing for the sport's most coveted prize. Nigel...
The Golden Age of Soccer. See the greatest players from the greatest 20 years of World Cup History. 141 non-stop goals from Charlton, Hurst, Pele,...
The Worlds Greatest Goals
A profile of the legendary soccer player Eusébio da Silva Ferreira, with footage of his career and a comprehensive list of interviews of...
Eusébio: Um jogador de todos os tempos
It all started in Mafalala, a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of Lourenço Marques, Mozambique. A kid kicked into rag balls and did not care...
Eusébio: Story of a Legend
A look at the urban society of the seventies. The story of Marta a young and pretty girl, who leaves her husband to search for her true identity. She...
The Circle
A BBC documentary producer is given unprecedented access in North Korea to chronicle the story of the famed 1966 World Cup team from the North that...
The Game of Their Lives
From the boy who played on the streets to the man who won the Golden Ball, "Eusébio, a Pantera Negra" shows the life of the portuguese...
Eusébio, The Black Panther
A documentary about Croatian immigrants' soccer clubs, especially the Croatia Toronto soccer club, and their significance to the Croatian diaspora as...
Toronto Croatia – One Big Croatian Story...