Trapped in an abandoned house, a nameless man desperately searches for clues to how he got there. The answer is hidden within a series of disturbing...
1996 Spanish horror film that is the eleventh in a long series about the werewolf Count Waldemar Daninsky, played by Paul Naschy. Following his...
Lycantropus: The Moonlight Murders
Adolfo, the town's priest, gets a phone call from a desperate family. They believe that their daughter is possessed by the devil.
Arturo is married to Elena and they have four grown children, they are wonderfull but they are still living at home. Arthur is writer and that's a...
Alone, at Last!
Señora Panadera
When Ricardo, a responsible father, decides to personally take his son to a camp in Asturias, other parents propose that he should also take care of...
The Kids Are Alright: Destination Asturias