In a country where corruption has reached epidemic levels, an investigative journalist tries to reveal the corruption of a medical mogul whose...
The Ring Road
Aamil Sifr a security guard, whose name is a result of an error in his birth certificate, Eventually the name became his reality. While guarding a...
Agent Zero
A horror feature that tells the story of Ezz El-Din, who returns from abroad after many years, looking for his family, and while staying at his...
Day 13
Reem is a young political activist who works for an advertisement company. As she tries to uncover the truth behind the incide of the Battle of the...
After the Battle
A story about a police officer who was assigned to a secret mission as an undercover drug dealer, with the license to kill, deal in drugs, and do...
Land of Fear
Years have passed since the brothers have separated in their different ways of life. But one day, a ghost from the past returns to cast a shadow over...
Sons of Rizk 3
For the First Time