Laloolal.com is an upcoming Pakistani romantic–drama film directed by Khalid Ahmed, written by Bee Gul and co-produced by Shailja Kejriwal and...
The controversial and troubled Indo-Pakistani writer Saadat Hasan Manto finds his artistic choices challenged by censors.
Jamaal recounts to himself the events that led to him leaving India and migrating to Pakistan after The Great Indian Partition, which explains the...
Mutthi Bhar Mitti
Good Morning, Karachi is the story of a young girl (Amna Ilyas) who wants to be a model while struggling towards her dream against the backdrop of...
Good Morning Karachi
They took away the most important thing from his life. Now he is out for blood and cut-throat vengeance.
In a small village in Pakistan, village elders demand that 15-year-old Mina must be handed over as payment for the crime her brother committed. The...
The Window