Hayley’s a smart, charming teenage girl. Jeff’s a handsome, smooth fashion photographer. An Internet chat, a coffee shop meet-up, an...
Hard Candy
"Documentary Filmmaker looking for suicidal individual to follow from first preparation to final act." Cut from 142 video tapes, this project sheds...
A Necessary Death
Harley and Renee Atwater, both in their early 30s, on a warm, sunny, Saturday morning, as they are preparing their "Yard Sale." The reason for the...
Yard Sale
In 2012, the animated feature Foodfight! was unleashed on the world. It was given a theatrical release just a year before in the UK, Russia, and...
Rotten: Behind the Foodfight
Working-class father John Crowley is finally on the fast track to corporate success when his two young children are diagnosed with Pompe...
Extraordinary Measures
The story of an LA couple, Camille and G.J., who escape the city for a weekend trying to rekindle their relationship, when G.J.’s best...
Those for Whom It's Always Complicated
Final entry in the Bravo scary movie moments countdowns that aired in 2009.
13 Scarier Movie Moments
A young man named Peyton moves to Los Angeles with his girlfriend. Over the course of three years and six parties, Peyton goes into a world of drugs,...
On Holiday