At some point in the not-so-distant future, an unnamed European city has evolved into a bizarre dystopian metropolis, whose residents inhabit...
Silent Resident
In preparation for Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Nazi occupied territory, the 'overlords' were the few Allied agents who knew the...
Code Name: Emerald
After arriving in 1940 New York, Freddy struggles to find work. His world of refugee acquaintances includes the depressed daughter of a...
Santa Fe
Freddy, a Viennese Jew who emigrated to New York after Hitler's invasion, and Adler, a left-wing intellectual originally from Berlin, return to...
Welcome in Vienna
Kurt Gerber is attending his final class and gets into trouble with the math professor, a frustrated self-assured petty bourgeois sadist. The duel...
Student Gerber
In October 1936, a high official in the Austrian government receives a letter from a German Jewish woman with whom he had an affair in 1925 asking...
Eine blassblaue Frauenschrift
The new forester Georg Walch wants to put the poachers out of business. Believing that the animal will return to him, the poacher Wolf Pachler leaves...
German Comedy
Ich kaufe mir einen Mann
Eva Zacharias
After the last concert of a long tour, Dr. Kurt Ostbahn retires to his favorite café to relax. He is suddenly dragged into a bizarre criminal...
Vienna Murder Mystery
Die Frau ohne Körper und der Projektionist
Flamenco der Liebe
Die Zeit mit dir
Anwalt des Herzens
Reise des Herzens
Feindliche Schwestern - Wenn aus Liebe Hass wird
Biologist Karin Aich hopes to reintroduce wolves in Bavaria, making many enemies, including her own neighbors and family, along the way. One of her...
My Friend the Wolf
Verliebt in eine Unbekannte
On the Wings of Love
Seitensprung in den Tod
Der See
Wed just as war breaks out, Jeanne hardly gets to know her military husband, Louis, before the debacle of 1940. While waiting for his return from a...
A French Woman
Blut an der Wiege
Der Fall Franza
Germany, around the turn of the century. When sailor Poldi returns to his Bavarian home village after many years at sea he falls for his childhood...
Gewitter im Mai
Within the span of 48 hours "contemporaries" encounter each other. In the middle is Max, who lost his job years ago because of his affair with the...
The Distant Land (German: Das weite Land) is a 1987 Austrian-German drama film directed by Luc Bondy. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard...
The Distant Land