David Bradley, stars as the roguish soldier Anthony Rand, who follows a ruthless general back through time in a last ditch attempt to save the...
Total Reality
It is based on the true story of Michael Francke, who was the Head of Corrections for the state of Oregon before being murdered. Just before his...
Without Evidence
Still in mourning over the loss of his wife, former cop Jonathan stone moves to Washington. However, he is soon falsely accused of murder, and with...
Jonathan Stone: Threat of Innocence
When Rachel went to visit her very successful sister in Hollywood, she expected her vacation to be exciting compared to her life in Kansas. She...
Hot Child in the City
Victoria "V.I" Warshawski is a Chicago based private detective who agrees to babysit for her new boyfriend; then he is murdered. Being the detective...
V.I. Warshawski