A new space race is born between NASA and the ESA when Charlie Brownsville, Hank Morrison, and Dr. Casey Cook compete against an artificially...
A documentary about Michael Brody Jr., a 21-year-old hippie millionaire who in 1970 promised to give away his $25M inheritance in an effort to usher...
Dear Mr. Brody
Izzy’s making a movie. She casts her best friend, Diana, who enthusiastically prepares for the shoot. A struggling actress, she clings to the...
Going Nowhere
The arrival of a handsome new farmhand threatens the balance between a farmer and his daughter.
Thou Wast Mild and Lovely
The most famous murder scene in movie history comprises 78 camera settings and 52 cuts: the shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. 78/52 tells...
The Gunfight at the OK Corral only happened once, but has been tirelessly recreated in films, television shows and western towns ever since. No one...
Tombstone Rashomon
Loneliness: a trucker who calls out on his CB radio waiting for a reply that never comes. A ghost that haunts the deserted highways. A whale that...
The Phantom 52
Allie moves to Texas and embraces the slower pace of life and gun culture. She tries to maintain healthy relationships as the weapons she uses to...
Loves Her Gun
A stop-motion documentary that asks men one of the crucial questions of our era: “What compels you to send pictures of your penis to...
Dick Pics! (A Documentary)
Tristan and Malik, two brothers who are five years apart, must face the cruel reality of their relationship after the unexpected death of their...
Before You Fade Away Into Nothing