David Cardew, a talented sculptor, lives an idyllic life in the English countryside with his wife, Laura, and their two children. But his happiness...
Dark Red Roses
Posing as the fabulously glamorous Countess Tanya Vronsky, a poor young ballet dancer and her two accomplices are really a team of skilled con...
I Was an Adventuress
This documentary follows composer and conductor Igor Stavinsky at his home in California, in London, and in Hamburg where he conducts an orchestra...
A Stravinsky Portrait
STRAVINSKY IN HOLLYWOOD explores the short-lived film career of this legendary composer, it is the story of his trials and tribulations with the...
Stravinsky in Hollywood
Christmas presentation of the CBS television series, Playhouse 90, featuring Tchaikovsky's ballet performed by the New York City Ballet,...
The Nutcracker