A naive young man assumes a dead man's identity and finds himself embroiled in an underground world of power, violence, and chance where men gamble...
A documentary about the influential independent film production company The Shooting Gallery.
Misfire: The Rise and Fall of the Shooting Gallery
Follows a day in the life of a young artist who longs for professional success and the attention of beautiful women, but who encounters only...
Jude, a college professor, is obsessed with Sophie, his student. She, in turn, is intrigued by his scholarly charm. Flirtation turns to lust and the...
Surviving Desire
A drunken playboy stands to lose a wealthy inheritance when he falls for a woman that his family doesn't like.
Self-funded Hal Hartley project shot on 16mm with a focus on a somewhat bizarre romance.
The Cartographer's Girlfriend
Hal Hartley's senior thesis film from SUNY-Purchase. A young man attempts to leave his Long Island suburb, but is thwarted by a series of absurd...