The movie portrays the story of an Italian family emigrated in Germany in the 1970s. Romano (Gigi Savoia), the father, decides to open a pizzeria...
Internationally released Director's Cut of "Loro 1" and "Loro 2", which were released separately as two movies in Italy. The film talks about the...
Il sesso aggiunto
A young Moroccan immigrant, living in southern Italy, escapes from his forthcoming wedding to the daughter of a local Mafia member to a hotel where...
Before the Sunset
Fired from his HR job in the big city, Fulvio returns home and sees a leaky pipe in his brother's church as the way to save the crumbling town.
We Accept Miracles
Package, Double Package and Counterpackage
Il mare, non c'è paragone
Carmela is thirty, beautiful and as untamed as an horsewoman. She is jobless and struggles to get by on her own, doing small day-to-day tasks. She...
Rose Stone Star
A young girl is witness to her father's destiny.
A crime comedy about the crazy night of a rapper and his manager
Cobra non è