A peaceful community is forever changed when a mysterious young woman moves in. As the quirky locals embrace her, their lives soon improve. But, they...
Change in the Air
A young kid escapes life on the streets of New York City by stealing video cameras with his friends and retreating into the footage he's found.
The Speed of Life
NYPD Detective Mike Logan, who was reassigned to Staten Island after punching a corrupt politician, takes on a grisly murder case. When the...
In the seedy domain of Miami’s criminal underbelly, a seasoned hitman embarks on the relentless pursuit of his next target. The movie is shot...
Aggro Dr1ft
When Lou's romantic plot to win the heart of his model congress running-mate falls apart, he's forced to improvise.
Jack, Jules, Esther, & Me
A New York writer on sex and love is finally getting married to her Mr. Big. But her three best girlfriends must console her after one of them...
Sex and the City
Dito Montiel, a successful author, receives a call from his long-suffering mother, asking him to return home and visit his ailing father. Dito...
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
After witnessing a miracle, a young Latina woman experiences strange things as a police detective searches for the truth behind his partner's death.
A true story of politics and art in the 1930s USA, centered around a leftist musical drama and attempts to stop its production.
Cradle Will Rock