In this Dan Curtis production of the Robert Louis Stevenson classic, Jack Palance stars as Dr. Henry Jekyll, a scientist experimenting to reveal the...
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
This film is a reconstruction of Robert Baldwin’s involvement in the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837. Though bound to the cause of...
Robert Baldwin: A Matter Of Principle
Three farmers in Cypress Corners discover that farm life is not so simple. Discovering a hidden door in the earth, they break through it, discovering...
The Starlost: The Beginning
A maniac killer returns to the scene of a ten-year-old crime, only to find the ghost of a murdered servant girl waiting to exact her revenge.
Escape from Broadmoor
A college professor wishes he could live in Victorian England. Through a scientific experiment that goes wrong, he is able to make his dream come...
The Incredible Time-Travels of Henry Osgood
In this Sci-fi Comedy a gentle video clerk has a secret double life as an intergalactic crime-fighter who must stop an evil alien from stealing the...
Rocket Boy
Andrew Angus Dalrymple's realistic portrait of a British soldier, his Irish lover and her twin sister amidst the strife of Northern Ireland.
A Quiet Day in Belfast