This is the story of a fairly successful young black man, just shy of 30 years old, who decided he needs to be less of a workaholic and meet and date...
Perfect Combination
A caring mother loses her sanity, setting off a chain of events resulting in tragedy and murder. The story of Casey Pollack unfolds from two very...
Dead Night
Seminary student Brett Ethos, (Matt Thompson) falls away from the church and his faith only to find out that his bloodline is sought after by a real...
Two hot girls are walking through some woods talking about boys. The girl behind can't stop staring at the others ass. They sit down for a minutes...
T Is for Twig
Ten years ago, Tyler Porter had it all. As the star of the hit television series "Dallas Austin," all he knew were red carpets and flashy headlines....
Welcome To Hollywood Florida
A collection of original shorts exploring the unknown, the unexplained, and the unimaginable.
The Labyrinth
A tongue-in-cheek, satirical look at a group of unabashedly pompous and misled young artists.