A crew of officers at an armored transport security firm risk their lives when they embark on the ultimate heist against their own company. Armed...
The film chronicles the exploits of the title character, Charlie, played by Raymond J. Barry (Training Day) a career criminal intent on scoring one...
Charlie Valentine
A career officer and his wife work with a police detective to uncover the truth behind their son's disappearance following his return from a tour of...
In the Valley of Elah
In post-Sept. 11 Los Angeles, tensions erupt when the lives of a Brentwood housewife, her district attorney husband, a Persian shopkeeper, two cops,...
Brutal and celebrated Mafia gangster John Gotti (Danny Nucci) schemes, shoves and murders his way to the top of that world in this gritty biography...
At the Sinatra Club
Primemates is a disturbing and honest conversation among four men in an exclusive cigar shop. They talk about love, relationships, and sex. While...
A married couple's life is turned upside down when the wife is accused of murdering her boss. Her husband John would spend the next few years trying...
The Next Three Days
Feature compilation of four Biffle and Shooster comedy shorts--"The Biffle Murder Case," "Imitation of Wife," "Schmo Boat" and "Bride of...
The Adventures of Biffle and Shooster
Utilizing footage from various police pursuit features and traffic cameras, this mockumentary's sardonic host (Richard Belzer) demonstrates how...
When Cars Attack
A priest looks back on his life to a time when he had to make a decision.
A lonely TV weatherman strikes up an unusual friendship with a middle-aged Latino migrant worker.
Papi Chulo
A detective becomes obsessed with solving a child's 50-year-old murder, uncovering striking similarities between the case and his son's disappearance.
This version of "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Mancha" brings the ancient tale to modern day but all the old familiar names are there. As in...
Larry Sparks is an angry Republican. Frustrated by the antics of his own political party, he vents his rage in emails, chat rooms and web logs. After...
George Bush Goes to Heaven