In the 15th Century, France is a defeated and ruined nation after the One Hundred Years War against England. The fourteen-year-old farm girl Joan of...
Joan of Arc
When his first stage show fails, songwriter Cole Porter goes off to fight in WWI until, injured, he lands in a hospital. He impresses nurse Linda Lee...
Night and Day
A landowner in colonial Africa leads a safari through Nukumbi territory in order to capture an escaped criminal.
Dinah Sheldon is a student at an exclusive girl's school who starts campaigning for women's rights. Her minister father and her boyfriend Tom Wade do...
Adventure in Baltimore
A bookish husband tries to win back the affections of his horse-breeding wife.
The Bride Wore Boots
A poor young man is finally able to achieve his dream of running a horse at the track, but when he starts becoming successful, he begins to lose...
That's My Man
Although Dale and Ken Bullock should be a happily married couple, their marriage is on the verge of a break-up, because Dale refuses to give up her...
A daffy door-to-door saleswoman blunders into a murder investigation.
The Fuller Brush Girl
A scientist working on cures for rare afflictions, such as a bone softening agent made from molds to allow him to correct the spinal deformity of his...
House of Dracula
As prisoner Ed Archer is being transferred, the stage is attacked and crashes. Archer escapes the attackers but Ranger Rocky Lane catches up with...
Bandits of Dark Canyon
An eight-year-old girl is an unwilling and disturbed witness of parental quarrels in her home, and when the parents finally secure a divorce, the...
Child of Divorce
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
The Blue Veil
A scientist who is working on a cure for influenza is victimized by his unscrupulous boss, who releases the vaccine before it's ready, resulting in...
Strange Confession
WWI flyer Eddie Rickenbaker remembers his life which brought him from a car salesman, race driver and pilot in WWI, to an important person in the...
Captain Eddie
Teenagers rebel and race cars.
Teenage Thunder