The story begins in a public garden where Antoine, a young director, is preparing a film with two drama students. He is in love with one of them, but...
Villa Beausoleil
Vincent, a young painter with no money, is hired by a group of bored bourgeois to paint a picture of the villa they spend the summer in Brittany. As...
Nicolas Lanson, a young stockbroker, lives a fast life of money and luxury until the day his high-risk initiatives cause the fall of the bank. He...
An all night party in a building on the outskirts of Paris provides the setting of this provocative French meditation on life and waiting. As the...
Sept en attente
When their behavior and brushes with the law drive their mother to abandon them, Jonathan and Vivi hire a private detective to find her.
Les p'tits gars Ladouceur
A french fantasy film with Christoph Waltz
Dessine-moi un jouet
After the death of her father, whom she never knew, a young woman finds herself at the head of a large company.