A behind-the-scenes look at the making of “Alien,” the terrifying classic about a spaceship crew trapped with a hideous monster that's...
The Beast Within: Making Alien
The creation of the film Alien³ (1992) is covered here in this feature-length documentary in exhaustive detail. Many interviews with the cast...
Wreckage and Rage: Making 'Alien³'
The film offers a unique insight into the world of Giger's creation and his private life. In addition to the interview with the artist himself, a...
H.R. Giger Revealed
Das phantastische Universum des H.R. Giger
Shot in France, England, Switzerland and the United States, this documentary covers director Alejandro Jodorowsky (El Topo, Holy Mountain, Santa...
Jodorowsky's Dune
A journey through time and history of diverse monster types, from the latex monster in devastated postwar Japan to aliens and serial murderers.
An account of the life and work of Swiss painter, sculptor, architect and designer H. R. Giger (1940-2014), tormented father of creatures as fearsome...
Dark Star: H. R. Giger's World
A descent into an illustrated, monochromatic world of macabre creatures of increasing intensity.
High and Heimkiller
"H.R. Giger's Sanctuary" explores the treasures of the H.R. Giger Museum & Giger Bar at the Chateau St. Germain in beautiful Gruyeres,...
H.R. Giger's Sanctuary
An instrument containing a man's head is operated by a mysterious man in black.
A behind the scenes look at the making of 'Alien'
The Alien Legacy
French artist and author Jean Giraud is one of the most famous and influential comic strip illustrators and authors of all time. He achieved his...
Moebius Redux: A Life in Pictures
Three short films about the future of Switzerland.
Debbie Harry first solo album with banned art by H.R. Giger is covered.
A New Face of Debbie Harry by H.R. Giger
An examination of occultism as practiced in different parts of the world.
The Occult Experience
In 1979, Alien burst onto the scene with a strong female lead in the form of Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) battling the ultimate biomechanical creature....
The Alien Saga
Movie about a psychedelic meeting with two other artists.
Documentary about Giger's work for the movie Alien (1979).
Giger's Alien
Inside the Giger studio creating one of his famous pieces, carving a mountain of clay into the famous "Alien". Experience Giger designing the Alien...
Giger's Necronomicon
H.R. Giger became known all over the world as the designer of the aliens in Ridley Scott's feature film ALIEN. In this documentary about H.R. Giger's...
Artist and life-long nerd Johannes Grenzfurthner is taking us on a personal road trip from the West Coast to the East Coast of the USA, to introduce...
The untold origin story behind Ridley Scott's Alien - rooted in Greek and Egyptian mythologies, underground comics, the art of Francis Bacon, and the...
Memory: The Origins of Alien
A documentary about HR Giger and his work.
Berg und Geist
H.R. Giger created one of the great iconic symbols of the cinema for the film 'Alien', here he talks about his work and the future of his projects...
Alien Makers III