An offbeat dark comedy that follows the life of the reclusive, karaoke loving and heartbroken Ben. But when he receives an unsolicited package from a...
Monkey-Love, Please Hold
Ava's quiet date night out at the cinema turns into a nightmare when she's trapped in a toilet stall during an active shooting attack. With only a...
A short kid from a Canadian army base becomes the international pop culture darling of the 1980s—only to find the course of his life altered by...
STILL: A Michael J. Fox Movie
Romance ensues when a small town vintage store owner leaves instructions in her will for inventory to be distributed as Christmas gifts, her...
An Eclectic Christmas
Eliza De La Cruz knows what she wants: a high-powered job in academia; to finally go public with her (married) Senator boyfriend James Holbrooke; and...
One Deadly Decision
Frankie gets the chance to leave her foster care home to attend an exclusive Swiss boarding school. However, the opportunity of a lifetime comes at a...
The Boarding School Murders
When Ingrid, a successful Chicago author, moves to the Minnesota lakes to write a book on wilderness survival, she gets more than just another...
Love Upstream