Revolves around Sanoj who runs the Akshaya Centre in Kalamberi village. All of a sudden, Kalambasura -a local legend- starts appearing infront of the...
Panchavalsara Padhathi
A couple in their late 90s, lead a happy life with a large family of four generations. On the day of their granddaughter's engagement an unexpected...
The hilarious comic twists that awaits when Joymon, desperate to escape his lonely, mundane and routine life in remote freezing Canada, decides to...
A tailor gains special powers after being struck by lightning but must take down an unexpected foe if he is to become the superhero his hometown in...
Minnal Murali
Jayabharathi who was denied every simple joy in life while growing up just because she is a girl/woman is married to Rajesh, a male chauvinist,...
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey
A team of four expert policemen go through extreme trials and tribulations to find the killer of a young woman.
Anweshippin Kandethum
A man unleashes more trouble than he bargained for when he steals a valuable Ganesh statue from his deeply religious mother.
Charles Enterprises
Mahesh, a studio photographer and owner of the studio. As the story moves on, Mahesh encounters an anonymous fight ending up with taking revenge that...
Maheshinte Prathikaaram
Guathamante Radham revolves around Gauthaman and his journey of getting a driving license and, for the first time in the family, a car of his own....
Gauthamante Radham
Chiri is an Indian Malayalam language movie whivh tells a tale of friendship. The film is said to be a light-hearted entertainer revolving around a...
Shirley and Roy in the middle of an impending Covid lock-down and a personal financial crisis, leave their Mumbai home for Shirley's home in Pala...
Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker, a 19th century fiery social reformer and his unswerving fight against the dominant caste oppressions by the upper...
Pathonpatham Noottandu
A happy-go-lucky Antony disappoints his Dad who was a teacher, so his Dad brings home 2 puppies to insult Antony and show him how thankful Dogs are....
Anugraheethan Antony
PE teacher Devika and her husband have been trying to be pregnant for four years. Their equation changes after she becomes pregnant and when she...
The Teacher
The relationship between two people, their complexes and pride.