Noel is a young man who puts his dreams of college on hold to take over his father's pedicab route. While his mother constantly tells him that luck...
About a young painter who arrives at an island made of garbage. He uses the island and its denizens as his canvas and fights to protect the island...
Legend has it that once every 100 years a superhero with the powers of lightning shows up to save mankind from the forces of evil. It is believed...
A Filipino comedy film by Efren Jarlego.
Tik Tak Toys My Kolokotoys
A woman returns to the Philippines after working abroad to find that her family has fallen apart in her absence.
After losing his job for nearly losing a cargo of gold bars to hold-uppers, Gatdula finds himself working as a bouncer in a night club. There he...
Bilib Ako Sa’yo
A tale of self-discovery, centered around a young man who journeys to Vigan, Ilocos Norte. Instead his trip becomes a sojourn that will unlock his...