A re-imagining of the classic Brothers Grimm Tale. A tyrannical mother contracts a soldier to uncover the mystery behind her seven daughters' shoes;...
The Seven Dancing Princesses
DC Lenny Milton (Winstone) is not as ambitious as his best friend and popular boss DCI Michael Love (Dunbar), but the pair are drinking partners and...
Tough Love
A dramatization of a murder resulting in the conviction of businesswoman Kathleen Calhaem, involving unrequited love, jealousy, and blackmail.
Deadly Obsession
Tamzin Outhwaite stars in Deborah Moggach 's dark two-part drama. On the surface Swindon-based Natalie has it all -good looks, a steady job and a...
Final Demand
A single mother returns to her home town after fifteen years of unhappy marriage and fights to make a better life for herself and her children.
Fighting Back
Two years after the events of Tough Love, Lenny Milton has been transferred, but still finds that he is hated by his colleagues, who have branded him...
Lenny Blue
Using drama and documentary this film tells the remarkable story of Cromwell, one of the most important characters of British history, yet revered...
Cromwell: Warts and All