The musician Udo Lindenberg (played by himself) is kidnapped during the party after a concert. Nobody realises this until the next day, when he...
Panic Time
1964 in Berlin, not long after the raise of the wall that separated the city: ex-prisoner Bruno is chosen by the eastern secret agency to be sent...
Dear Fatherland Be at Peace
Ray Lovelock stars as Massimo, a young undercover cop with a taste for violence and a thirst for revenge! Massimo gets himself arrested and quickly...
Meet Him and Die
Willi is 18 years old and lives on the street. Without a goal in his life he walks around the city and meets several people, helping but also...
Skoda is the son of a wealthy, overbearing banker and rather than put up with his father to keep a privileged lifestyle, he has chosen to ditch the...
Desperado City