The adventures of Pedro, a musician who is trying his luck in Rio de Janeiro, in the 1950's. He leaves his hometown Belo Horizonte to share a lodging...
Sambando nas Brasas, Morô?
A movie about Banda de Ipanema, one of Rio de Janeiro’s most traditional Carnaval blocks, and its founder Albino Pinheiro.
Banda de Ipanema — Folia de Albino
A documentary on the career of Beth Carvalho, the Brazilian singer who became a well known samba legend from the 1970s onwards, edited together from...
Andança: Os Encontros e as Memórias de Beth Carvalho
Documentary on the life and times of one of the most prominent Brazilian samba composers, Cartola (Angenor de Oliveira).
Cartola: The Samba Legend
Descobrindo Waltel
Dorival Caymmi was one of the inventors of the Bahian imagination. In his 94 years of life, Caymmi composed, sang, wrote, illustrated and thought...
Dê Lembranças a Todos
Nas Ondas de Dorival Caymmi