Poena is Koning follows the sexual awakening of Poena Pieterse and his high school buddy Vaatjie, who have decided that they have to lose their...
Poena Is Koning
The misadventures Vaatjie Venter, a talented pastry chef and the top student at the hotel school where he is training. Vattjie becomes the lead...
Vaatjie gets owned
An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a third-year student and his buddy at their holiday job. Desperate to lose his virginity, he...
Stoute Boudjies
"Everything happens for a reason" - on his 50th birthday, Lenny Vincent is fired from his job as a sports writer for a daily newspaper, his wife of...
Finding Lenny
Mia Moolman works for a Sandton-based event coordination company that has been commissioned by the department of Trade and Industry to create an...
Based on the Afrikaans TV series by the same name, this comedy comes to the big screen. The plot-line is rather convoluted as befits a farce, and...
Molly & Wors The Movie