In 1970, Mikey and William both portrayed football cannibal Smash-Mouth in the influential cult hit, End Zone 2. Now, 50 years later, only one can...
The Once and Future Smash
Targeted by a secret fraternity, a brilliant student tries to expose the young men and end their reign of power. However, she soon realizes that the...
Secret Society of Lies
Internet tabloid reporter Anna is assigned to write a profile about popular influencer Juliet. During Anna's time with Juliet, she discovers that...
Dying for Fame
Lil Brick sits down with THE LINE for an Autocomplete interview, and quickly learns that this interview is not everything that it seems. What is his...
Lil Brick Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions
Felipe Vargas (MILK TEETH) electrifies the subconscious in the stunning ZZZ (North American Premiere), which sees a widow (Julieta Ortiz), enlisting...