A murdered couple return from the beyond to care for their two young children, as well as seek revenge against their killer, accept their children's...
The Sweet House of Horrors
In Rome, the Cassamortari are people who work in the funeral business. The Pasti family's agency was founded by Giuseppe, who is willing to do...
I cassamortari
Il vizio di vivere
In this documentary, Ilary Blasi shares the emotional and powerful story of the much-discussed end of her marriage.
Ilary Blasi: The One and Only
L’amore e altre seghe mentali
Marco, a nine year old boy, is in love with his elementary teacher, and feels neglected by his workaholic parents. When they forget about his...
Fiori di zucca
Francesco Totti retraces his entire life while watching it on the silver screen together with the audience. Images and emotions flow among key...
My Name Is Francesco Totti