The action of the film takes place during the magical time between Christmas and New Years. The turmoil of love brings the three sisters to the...
To musi być miłość
Monika and Enzo's whirlwind romance heads toward a fairy-tale ending until a bombshell revelation changes everything.
Squared Love Everlasting
A careerist from Warsaw, who does not like dogs, has to go to Kraków for professional reasons, where she meets a charming widower, his son and...
Heart Parade
Kaska and Patryk's romance gets tested when they suspect each other of infidelity. Making matters worse, their neighbors keep meddling in their...
The Taming of the Shrewd 2
Listy do M. Pożegnania i powroty
Based on true events. In 1980s Poland, Jerzy Górski is a young man who finds the determination to struggle against his drug addiction through...
Breaking the Limits
Prawdziwa historia Listów do M.