Six young contestants undergo bizarre tests and stop at nothing to top the list of the young faces responsible for shaping 'The New India' and...
The President Is Coming
Aisha, who loves playing matchmaker much to her friend Arjun's disapproval, finds a new target in the simple Shefali. But in the process, she ends up...
Amidst a curfew in an Indian town, Indu struggles with her father's last wish, creating a poignant and challenging predicament. Will Indu's journey...
The Daughter
An unconventional thinker helps a budding cinematographer gain a new perspective on life.
Dear Zindagi
A motley crew of university students set out on a journey in pursuit of a mythical form of hash, confronting a series of encounters that begin to...
M Cream
The story of a middle aged woman caught in her destiny and circumstances who tries to find fulfilment in relationships outside her marriage.
Adhe Adhure
A traumatized woman plagued by the continuous influence of her childhood sexual abuse cannot sustain a romantic relationship for more than 30 days.
30 Days in September
Dhruv an aspirant IAS officer, takes a private loan from a company in order to buy a car in order to woo the girl he loves, Sakshi. Soon enough, life...
Dilliwaali Zaalim Girlfriend
During a vacation, a young city girl learns to appreciate connecting with nature. Away from her concrete urban existence, her parents help her learn...
Aisa Yeh Jahaan