High Definition recording June 2014, Arena di Verona. This opulent production was directed by Franco Zeffirelli and sung by an international cast of...
Carmen (Arena di Verona)
In celebration of Verdi's 200th birthday in 2013, the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence produced the composer's colorful masterpiece Rigoletto for the...
Rigoletto - Festival d'Aix-en-Provence
The Gran Teatre del Liceu’s 2017/2018 season opened with Rossini’s dramma giocoso Il viaggio a Reims, the “event piece”...
Il viaggio a Reims - Barcelona
The caption on the DVD sleeve reads “This Is how Verdi should be played!” and I could not agree more. The trio of principals: Ribeiro,...
Il corsaro
Disillusioned with life, the aged philosopher Faust calls upon Satan to help him. The devil Méphistophélès appears and strikes a...
Faust | ROH |
The Royal Opera House: Faust
Don Giovanni
In the cold of winter, an exuberant poet lives in poverty with his three bohemian flatmates. His heart is warmed when he falls in love with his...
La bohème – Opéra de Monte Carlo
Mozarts Don Giovanni, in the beautiful staging by legendary Franco Zeffirelli is a spectacle with a strong aesthetising component, a feast for the...