In a local neighborhood, the mechanic Reda harbors unrequited feelings for Nour. When he finds an old clock that turns out to be an enchanted time...
Rida's Clock
After living his whole life in Mazarita, Fazza' finally decides to turn his life around once and for all. He moves to Cairo to experience city life,...
A group of young people pushed by circumstances to an unknown fate controlled by a human demon, represented by a malicious electronic application...
Demon Game
The events take place in a romantic comedy framework when the famous DJ Fares is exposed to a number of funny situations and comic paradoxes because...
When a family reunites after the death of one of its members, a series of misunderstandings and mistakes sends the family into many comedic paradoxes.
Sa3yokom Mashkoor Ya Bro
Alaa is an introverted young man who lives a healthy and organized life. His life turns upside down when his twin brother whom he never knew existed,...
My Brother Above in the Tree
The story follows Hamza, nicknamed Dragon, whose sick child needs treatment, but his financial condition is faltering, then events lead him to become...
Brand New
Two days before his wedding, a young millionaire playboy goes to celebrate with his fiancée, his friend, and his friend's fiancée, only...
Three years after the events of the first film, the four brothers are trying in various ways to preserve the covenant they made to themselves to stay...
Sons of Rizk 2
The events take place inside an orphanage, around a young girl named Sukar, who lives with a large group of children. The orphanage is run by an...
A couple buys a new palace, but they discover that they have been deceived, and the palace has been sold to multiple people. To make matters worse,...
Next Thursday