"Toorbos" explores the uprooting of a young forest woman and her community during the time of the last forest inhabitants of South Africa's Knysna...
Magdaleen, a lonely widow in her 70s, creates an imaginary version of her deceased husband to numb the sadness and pain. After being so overwhelmed...
A Void
A feared gang leader is released on parole after seven years. Has Map Jacobs changed, or is he still the bully? A family and community drama that...
Krismis van Map Jacobs
The harrowing tale of a South African street-kid's search for love, based on Dickens' classic story. Growing up neglected in a rural orphanage, Twist...
Boy Called Twist
A young man is forced to confront his limitations, face the ghosts of the past in order to unite a fractured community and realise his dream of...
Old Righteous Blues
As a child, Ali Neuman narrowly escaped being murdered by Inkhata, a militant political party at war with Nelson Mandela's African National Congress....